ARMRA is a physician-founded wellness brand revolutionizing whole-body health and vitality through the power of bovine colostrum, nature’s unrivaled nutrient powerhouse.
Founded by Sarah Rahal, MD, a double board-certified pediatric neurologist, ARMRA Colostrum™ spawned from a personal health battle, and launched with a mission to increase education and access to a transformational tool that holds the body’s blueprint for optimal health. Dr. Rahal spearheaded the colostrum category with patent-pending Cold-Chain BioPotent™ Pasteurization Technology, which harnesses ARMRA Colostrum’s 400+ bioactive nutrients in their purest and most bioavailable form. Working in synergy, and honed by nature for over 300 million years, these science-backed compounds act as the body’s source code, architecting its cellular regeneration and repair, to ensure youthful, optimal functioning from the inside out for thousands of benefits you can actually see and feel.
Safe for all ages, ARMRA upholds the highest bars of transparency, scientific excellence, and safety, and is made in the USA under the most rigorous quality and 3rd party testing standards. Furthermore, ARMRA is committed to sustainability and the health and welfare of all living beings, abiding by calf-first sourcing that ensures only surplus colostrum is collected from grass fed cows on family-owned dairy farms throughout the US.