Hyper-productivity is worn like a badge of honor, but our brains need a break. Embracing rest isn’t a weakness, it’s a performance enhancer.
The downtime difference. More rest has multiple benefits:
- Boosts focus and creativity
- Reduces stress and cellular aging
- Improves overall well-being
Not all breaks are created equal
Scrolling social media? That’s not true downtime. Dr. Scott Bea, PsyD explains, “[Watching TV, playing games on your phone, and more] all require processing information — and part of the reason we need more downtime is that we’re doing way too much processing already.”
Level up your rest. Here’s how you can get more downtime in your day-to-day:
- Schedule it: Block off 10- to 15-minute breaks throughout your day to give your brain a rest.
- Move: Getting outside without your phone — for a walk or a quick exercise snack — helps take your mind off your to-do list.
- Do mindless chores: Doing easy tasks like the dishes or folding laundry slows down your brain — just be sure it’s without a podcast or music.
- Sit in silence: Meditation has emotional and physical benefits, consider an app like Calm or Headspace to help guide you, especially if you’re just starting out.
- Be consistent: Above all, consistency is key. Try keeping your downtime slots the same every day to train your brain when it’s time to relax.
The bottom line
Strategic downtime is a productivity tool. Give your brain the breaks it needs and you’ll likely find yourself accomplishing more with less stress.